Saturday, January 7, 2012

Leaders love to fuck with shit

No, I'm not talking about scatophilia (go ahead and click it, you know you want to).  You know links on my site are dark gray.  I'm talking about people in-charge changing things that don't need to be changed, such as George Lucas keep altering the Star Wars hexalogy, or more case-in-point Google's page design.  Usually this is for the bad.   I'd say there's a good and bad way to update something.

  • Good Update
    • Clean-up artifacts, ie. cables, wires, camera guy's shadow, boom-mic in-scene, etc.
    • Smooth-out digitized special effects' pixilization
    • Removing those square blocks behind spaceships in '70s sci-fi
    • Taking older movies and converting to the highest format possible for home-use
    • All movies should have a blooper-reel available, as well as all out-takes
    • All movies should be the director's cut, or at least have it available in its entirety
    • Deleted scenes should always be put back-in seamlessly and not an added-feature
  • Bad Update
    • Adding CGI (this does not apply always to pre-1975 movies: ie. Star Trek original series)
    • Changing actor's voices
    • Changing the story for the new-release
    • Making the movie in 3D!!!
    • Making your website look more busy with added "features"
    • Converting to digital to an already sought-after analog anything
    • George Lucas Alzheimer's-inspired original "vision" he truly can't remember
    • Doing a film adaptation of a book but changing the story and deleting parts for "flow"
    • Adding songs to a non-musical
    • Removing songs from a musical
    • No more than ONE Easter Egg per media format.  Zero is best.

I'm guilty of this myself.  I've put semi-mandatory audio on some of my web pages.  I'll clean that up on this blog section.  Not too many people want to be forced to listen to "Suspension" off of the 1979 Buck Roger's movie for a month.  Guilty as-charged.  All the "bad updates" usually are to get more $$$.  I know it's the business of things but it strips the soul of the art.

So, the reason for this rant is to explain that our beloved GOOGLE has become a victim of this.  People are desperately emailing Google to knock-it-off and go back to the beloved plain website but they won't budge.
There's a petition here:
There are several more petition sites begging for the removal.  People chose Google because it was CLEAN.  It's now smeared with scat on the side (as you've noticed).  You can still make your homepage the clean version but only using this site:

I'm done.  Have a good Saturday.

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